lauantai 11. kesäkuuta 2016

Uusi tapettimallisto: Scandinavian designers II / New wallpaper collection: Scandinavian designers II

Kuva: Retrolehti 2-2016

Stig Lindberg, who would have turned 100 this year, is one of five iconic designers being celebrated by Boråstapeter in its Scandinavian Designers II wallpaper collection launching in June 2016. 
Along with Arne Jacobsen, Viola Gråsten and Lisbet and Gocken Jobs, whose designs will be adorning walls throughout the world in summer 2016. “The patterns in the Scandinavian Designers II collection are timeless classics, some created as early as the 1940s, serve as an elegant complement to our minimalist and simple Scandinavian furnishing style. Classic innovation has never been more relevant,” says Sissa Sundling, Head of Design at Boråstapeter.
The Scandinavian Designers II collection includes 14 patterns, created during the 1940s, 50s and 60s that are still as fresh and relevant today as the day they were designed. The recurring theme of the collection is the green flora, flowers and leaves that appear throughout most of the designs. 

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