tiistai 3. toukokuuta 2016

Mrs Mighetto

Lehdessä Hus & Hem (5/2015) oli kuva niin hauskasta julisteesta.

Julisteita valmistaa Mrs Mighetto Ruotsissa. Heillä on myös valikoimissaan tapettia.

All of a sudden it was love. Such is life. Or, as Anna said, "This must be seen by the world." Said and done, more water was mixed with color, ideas became reality, proofing went into sharp prints, illustrations became framed paintings, our beloved characters got the name and magical personalities, word got into action and so on.
We sell print made from original paintings in watercolour stuffed full of fantasy, history, mystery and colours that we simply like. Suitable for grown ups and kids. We hope you like what we do!
Malin & Anna      Mrs Mighetto

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